Subject: Re: [vserver] Vserver 2.2 patch for 2.6.25.x or newer?
From: "Daniel Hokka Zakrisson" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 05:17:39 +0100 (CET)

Robert Davidson wrote:
> Michael S. Zick wrote:
>>> I'd like to know if anyone has a patch available for 2.6.25.x or later,
>> scroll down the page, newest stuff at the bottom.
> Hi Michael,
> I've checked there already, the best I can find (in terms of kernel
> version its made for) in the vs2.2 series of patches is
> patch-2.6.24-rc7-vs2.

2.6.24 was a bad kernel.

> Ultimately I'd like to get a vs2.2 series patch against, or
> any other kernel in the 2.6.25 series.  Is there any chance of that?

Why? 2.3 has more features, is actively worked on, and really your only
choice if you want a kernel >2.6.22. What is it about 2.2 that you so
desperately need?

Daniel Hokka Zakrisson