Subject: Vserver is awesome
From: "Edward Capriolo" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 16:25:23 -0400

I have installed linux VServer and I am very impressed!

In the past I have used Qemu, tried to install Xen (crashed), VMware
(too slow,clock issues), UML. I had wondered onto the VServer site
before but I never tried installing it. What a mistake that was!

VServer is perfect for what I am trying to do.

1) Install and test software
2) Get started quickly (small learning curve)
3) Good documentation (at least I got it running)
4) Its not taking up 256 MB of raw memory
5) Create isolated build environments
6) Get a tiny light guest OS
7) Up and running fast!
8) Speed and performance

I can not wait to dig into the advanced features. vunify, vhashify, quota's etc!