Subject: Re: [vserver] Guests using X with X Server on Host
From: Oliver Welter <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 13:52:28 +0100
Thu, 31 Jan 2008 13:52:28 +0100
Hi Tom,

Thomas Weber wrote:

>> ok bit than I need a way to pipe the output from xvfb to the hosts X 
>> there a way to do ?
> Is it possible that you're mixing up Server and Client regarding X11?
> The Server is the 'thing' (usually Keyboard, Mouse, Display) that
> displays 'stuff' the Clients (programs that want output/input to/from
> the Server) request.

> So your GUI to the app would be the Client. Just give it something like
> Xvfb as Server (maybe via the DISPLAY environment Variable) and it will
> draw it's interface on the Xvfb Server (which is kind of a display in
> RAM). Now, on the same Xvfb Server setup a vncserver to which your
> client can connect to. No need to deal with the hosts hardware.

To connect the application (inside the vserver guest) to the xvfb, it 
must be running inside the guest. And as far as I tried, I have to kick 
up the vncserver also in the guest which would require to bring up a 
vncserver in every guest.

The preferred solution for me would be (I guess that it does not work) a 
vncserver running on the host machine, where the customer conntects to 
from his Windows desktop using vncviewer. I give him a desktop-icon that 
opens a bash inside the vserver guest and if he now launches 
"./app-config" from a terminal, the app-config GUI should appear on the 

As I guess this wont work without a full blown server inside the guest, 
I would accept, if he enters the server via SSH and afterwards connects 
to the box so he directly has a desktop running inside the guest.

The main pinpoint is: The app itsself needs nearly no resources and 
kicking up an X server inside each guest will need more resources than 
the whole rest of the guest, so I want to avoid this.


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