Subject: Re: [vserver] Using loopback for guest-guest and guest-host communication but still remapping
From: Gordan Bobic <>
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 11:43:14 +0000

Fiedler Roman wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to configure networking on a machine, where we cannot use any private network
for internal communication because I might need to receive traffic from that network.
 So I can only use loopback, one private IP-Range IP (server external IP) and I do not
want to grab one public IP-range for internal communication if avoidable.
> Is this configuration with special combination of nflags and dev settings possible
(CAVEAT: network prefixes atypical)?
> * Guest ctx=3: Inside guest bind and connect to is remapped to
and stays inside guest
> * Guest ctx=4: Inside guest bind and connect to is remapped to
and stays inside guest
> * Guest ctx=3: Inside guest connect to goes to guest ctx=4 network stack
(inter-guest comm)
> * Guest ctx=4: Inside guest connect to goes to guest ctx=3 network stack
(inter-guest comm)
> * Guest ctx=3,4: Inside guest connects to any loopback IP-Range not bound to any guest
goes to host, e.g. (if something is listening on host on that IP/port)
> If not, would a special nflags, dev config configuration together with a modification
of vserver patch (change to somewhere) be sufficient?

I solved that problem by using a dummy interface for each internal-only 
network. You set up a dummy interface on the host, and give the guests 
an IP on that interface.
