Subject: Re: [vserver] UTils-vserver included debian build on lenny
From: Ghislain <>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 13:06:29 +0100
Fri, 17 Feb 2012 13:06:29 +0100

> The maintainers for the vserver packages in Debian haven't really kept 
> it up to date so I don't suggest using their sources to build a new 
> version of util-vserver. I don't recommend trying to replace diffutils 
> with diff, as diffutils relies on newer versions of libc6 then 
> old-stable provides.

i do not use the debian version ,  i use the  debian rules included in 
the util-vserver source to build debian packages :)

> You're build, while completing through the debian/rules file, did not 
> actually build any of the content (possibly through awkward 
> fakeroot-ness or poor error checking in the makefile).

do you know a way to debug this ?

> I don't see why you can't still build a new kernel with the old 
> util-vserver packages. But, if you want a more consistent/newer 
> util-vserver package. I suggest looking here:

because having old tools with new kernel break the isolation you cannot 
use old tools with new kernel, only old kernel with new tools. If you do 
then most of the time the guest loose part of their isolations and your 
host become vulnerable. Building it is not the issue but rebooting with 
the new kernel and the old tool will break.


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