Subject: Documenting cool util-vserver feature, operate on groups of servers using --mark
From: Ed W <>
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 20:26:15 +0100

Some time back, Daniel was kind enough to implement what I find is a
massively useful feature: --mark support in the util-vserver tools. 
This allows operating on vservers in groups based on their mark values

The implications are that you can insert multiple marks (one per line) in:

Then any vserver command which can work on multiple vservers can be
persuaded to operate on arbitrary groups of vservers

An example. I use gentoo, so I will use the "vupdateworld" command which
does something like a "yum -a", effects are irrelevant, just watch the

- Update all WWW servers:
    vupdateworld --mark www

- Update all WWW & DNS servers (comma separation is "or"):
    vupdateworld --mark www,dns

- Update all WWW & DNS servers, but *don't* update my base template
images (multiple --mark is "and", "!" is "not". Note you might need to
escape the "!")
    vupdateworld --mark www,dns --mark \!template

- Update WWW/DNS, not the templates, and only the running vservers (ok
"running" is implicit here, but the example is useful)
    vupdateworld --mark dns,www --mark \!template --running

All of the commands which iterate are using the "vsomething" command
under the bonnet, so look there for syntax and fuller options.  The
vsomething command runs a command for every vserver that matches, the
syntax is something like:

    vsomething [cmd_to_run] -- [your_marks] -- [args_to_cmd]

this runs, for each vserver:
    cmd_to_run vserver_name args_to_cmd

- so for example to start all template servers (say to update them)
    vsomething vserver -- --mark template -- start

- run "hostname" on all the servers in the example above, WWW/DNS, no
    vsomething vserver --mark dns,www --mark \!template --running --
exec hostname

Using these groups makes bulk operations on vservers dramatically
simpler and management is very much simpler.  I would encourage
groupings based on server use, eg DNS or WWW (assuming you have very
granular server builds!).  Additionally I mark special features, eg
"UPGRADE_CAREFULLY", "TEMPLATE" so that I can exclude certain servers
from bulk operations

I hope others find this as helpful as I do - many thanks to Daniel (and
of course Herbert!)

Perhaps someone might find a spot for some documentation based on the
above for the wiki?


Ed W