Subject: All my vserver guests lost its IP
From:Marcus Mülbüsch <>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 14:19:27 +0200

Hello all,

    "suddenly" all my vserver guests lost its IPs and were no longer 
able to connect or to be connected. When restarting a vserver it went 
down with the error message: "RTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested 
address"; when they came up again all was well.

    An "ip address" within the host showed that the vservers that were 
restartet had an ip-address; those who weren't had not.

   I rebooted the server and all is fine now. However, the log showed:

Apr 13 12:52:53 dl360_1 kernel: tg3 0000:01:02.0: PME# enabled
Apr 13 12:52:54 dl360_1 kernel: tg3 0000:01:02.0: PME# disabled
Apr 13 12:52:54 dl360_1 kernel: tg3 0000:01:02.0: BAR 0: set to [mem 
0xf7ef0000-0xf7efffff 64bit] (PCI address [0xf7ef0000-0xf7efffff]
Apr 13 12:52:57 dl360_1 kernel: tg3 0000:01:02.0: eth0: Link is up at 
1000 Mbps, full duplex
Apr 13 12:52:57 dl360_1 kernel: tg3 0000:01:02.0: eth0: Flow control is 
off for TX and off for RX

   After the reboot there is no new "PME# disabled" entry, so I suspect 
there is something wrong here?

    Using "util-vserver-0.30.216_pre2935" on 
"vserver-sources-" on a gentoo system.

    What can I do to provide better info next time that happens? What 
can I do to monitor such an event? Any more pointers? And what is the 
meaning of life anyway?


Results if "ip address" (before restarting the host, but after 
restarting the guests 122 and 124)
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
     link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
     inet brd scope host lo
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,PROMISC,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq 
state UP qlen 1000
     link/ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
     inet brd scope global eth0
     inet brd scope global secondary eth0
     inet brd scope global secondary eth0

results of uptime before restart:
13:58:42 up 23 days,  1:25,  3 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.07, 0.05

results of vserver-info
                    Kernel: 2.6.35-vs2.
                    VS-API: 0x00020306
                       VCI: 0x0000000013001ff1
              util-vserver: 0.30.216-pre2935; Mar  8 2011, 12:47:37

                        CC: i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc, i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc 
(Gentoo 4.3.4 p1.1, pie-10.1.5) 4.3.4
                       CXX: i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++, i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ 
(Gentoo 4.3.4 p1.1, pie-10.1.5) 4.3.4
                  CPPFLAGS: ''
                    CFLAGS: '-march=i686 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer 
-std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -W -funit-at-a-time'
                  CXXFLAGS: '-march=i686 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer 
-ansi -Wall -pedantic -W -fmessage-length=0 -funi 
                build/host: i686-pc-linux-gnu/i686-pc-linux-gnu
              Use dietlibc: yes
        Build C++ programs: yes
        Build C99 programs: yes
            Available APIs: v13,net,v21,v22,v23,netv2
             ext2fs Source: e2fsprogs
     syscall(2) invocation: alternative
       vserver(2) syscall#: 273/glibc
                crypto api: beecrypt
           python bindings: yes
    use library versioning: yes

                    prefix: /usr
         sysconf-Directory: /etc
             cfg-Directory: /etc/vservers
          initrd-Directory: $(sysconfdir)/init.d
        pkgstate-Directory: /var/run/vservers
           vserver-Rootdir: /vservers