Subject: Debian Squeeze guest system: processed getting killed too quickly
From: Markus Fischer <>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 09:23:55 +0100


I've created a fresh Debian Squeeze guest and notices that the processes 
do not have enough time to properly shutdown themselves upon receiving 
their signal. Here is how stopping such a vserver looks like:

markus@server02:~$ sudo vserver qa01 stop
Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel 6.
Stopping MTA: exim4_listener.
mount: permission denied
Stopping MySQL database server: mysqld.
Stopping web server: apache2 ... waiting .
Stopping Tomcat servlet engine: tomcat6.
Killing Xvnc4 process ID 12357
Sleeping for one second before killing all processes from user 'vnc' ... 
... (warning).
Will now restart.
Asking all remaining processes to terminate...done.
All processes ended within 1 seconds....done.
/usr/lib/util-vserver/vserver.stop: line 98: 13261 Killed 
    "${IONICE_CMD[@]}" "${NICE_CMD[@]}" "${CHBIND_CMD[@]}" "$_VSPACE" 
--enter "$S_CONTEXT" "${OPTS_VSPACE[@]}" -- "$_VTAG" --migrate 
"${OPTS_VTAG_ENTER[@]}" --silent -- $_VCONTEXT $SILENT_OPT --migrate 

or this output (the difference is the order of the MySQL database server):

markus@server02:~$ time sudo vserve qa01 stop
sudo: vserve: command not found
markus@server02:~$ sudo vserver qa01 stop
Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel 6.
Stopping MTA: exim4_listener.
mount: permission denied
Stopping web server: apache2 ... waiting .
Stopping Tomcat servlet engine: tomcat6.
Killing Xvnc4 process ID 7976
Sleeping for one second before killing all processes from user 'vnc' ... 
... (warning).
Will now restart.
Stopping MySQL database server: 
mysqld/usr/lib/util-vserver/vserver.stop: line 98:  8126 Killed 
          "${IONICE_CMD[@]}" "${NICE_CMD[@]}" "${CHBIND_CMD[@]}" 
"$_VSPACE" --enter "$S_CONTEXT" "${OPTS_VSPACE[@]}" -- "$_VTAG" 
--migrate "${OPTS_VTAG_ENTER[@]}" --silent -- $_VCONTEXT $SILENT_OPT 
--migrate $OPT_VCONTEXT_CHROOT --xid "$S_CONTEXT" -- "${INITCMD_STOP[@]}"

real    0m3.356s
user    0m0.072s
sys     0m0.116s

I *think* this is related to the new way of squeeze starts/stops the 
processes, but I barely managed to understand the new system at all.

I'm concerned that important processes get prematurely killed and thus 
experience data loss because I've only seen this last line:

/usr/lib/util-vserver/vserver.stop: line 98:  8126 Killed 
    "${IONICE_CMD[@]}" "${NICE_CMD[@]}" "${CHBIND_CMD[@]}" "$_VSPACE" 
--enter "$S_CONTEXT" "${OPTS_VSPACE[@]}" -- "$_VTAG" --migrate 
"${OPTS_VTAG_ENTER[@]}" --silent -- $_VCONTEXT $SILENT_OPT --migrate 

when processes take unusually long to shutdown. But in this case the 
system is fresh, the database is empty and as can bee seen the whole 
stop process doesn't take longer then 3.3s and yet I get this line.

Q1: do I have to be concerned about this?

Q2: can I fix this someway? I.e. give the guest processes enough time to 

- Markus