Subject: Re: [vserver] PEBKACs I can't see with quotas and (unrelated) vserver init PID
From: Grzegorz Nosek <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 22:09:59 +0200

2010/7/29 Grzegorz Nosek <>:
> As for the init pid stuck at zero, I'm having a look at it right now.

That was the fakeinit flag.

echo fakeinit >> /etc/vservers/<vserver>/flags
vattribute --xid <xid> --flag fakeinit

OK. So now I have something stranger still:

1. grepping for init from the host shows the process twice

root     14164   997 <vserver>     0.0  0.0   1948   668 ?        Ss
22:00   0:00 init [2]
root     14164   997 <vserver>     0.0  0.0   1948   668 ?        Ss
22:00   0:00 init [2]

2. I can't seem to be able to _disable_ the flag now. It isn't
specified in .../flags, the vserver has been restarted several times
and it always comes up with the fakeinit flag on and two fake inits as
seen from the outside. Dis-/enabling the flag properly alters the
guest's perception of init's pid.

Shutting down a guest shows the two fake inits as reason for timeout.

Can I disable the fakeinit flag now in a way that will survive a guest
restart? I didn't alter the flags file at all. I could reboot the host
but I'd really rather not.

Best regards,
 Grzegorz Nosek