Subject: Re: [vserver] 32bit Guests on 64bit Host
From: Ghislain <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 15:17:37 +0100
Mon, 21 Dec 2009 15:17:37 +0100

> My observation was that the 64bit vservers (nginx + fastcgi PHP)
> appeared to use quite a bit more RSS and LOTS more VSS (not sure how
> much this actually matters though?). I found it workable, but being on
> a rented server the available ram is quite precious and it was a tough
> call to move over to fully 64bit.  Previously I have used a 32bit
> apache + modphp setup and not noticed any issues either (I find nginx
> quite a bit easier to manage and much lighter on ram, so largely I
> have switched)

yes 64bit guest seems to have high memory in the VSZ. My little guest
here are 500 RSS but in vserver-stat shows up with 4.8GB of VSZ each :)

cgroups :
==> /dev/cgroup/guest01/memory.stat <==
total cache 55152640
total rss  325570560
total mapped file 16384
total pgpgin 12920604
total pgpgout 12827654
total inactive anon 0
total active anon 326762496
total inactive file 10166272
total active file 43786240
total unevictable 0

10241   67   4.8G 534.5M   2m16s67   1m09s60   2h36m20 guest01

on the host:
> free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:      32963852   26698984    6264868          0    1526392   22373756
-/+ buffers/cache:    2798836   30165016
Swap:     32427680          0   32427680



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