Subject: Re: [vserver] VServer Community; Was: Roadmap and Future ...
From: "Michael S. Zick" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 10:06:15 -0600

On Fri February 27 2009, Ed W wrote:
> Michael S. Zick wrote:
> >
> > Here is a specific plan - how do they say it? "A limited time offer." ;)
> >
> > I am in the process of configuring and testing a TikiWiki install for three
> > of my own web-sites.  The end result will be something easy (for me) to
> > install three varieties of.
> > I am willing to install a fourth. (Groan, did I offer that?)
> >   
> It's a good plan - if hosting is an issue then yes dreamhost is a bit 
> slow, but they could do the job.  I dare say they will consider free 
> hosting also
> However, can I suggest that there is just waaay too much content on the 
> current wiki to want to start moving it?  I have a small job at the 
> moment to move over 100 pages from one small site to another and it's a 
> pretty massive job in reality...

What part of "import" did you have difficulty with?
What part of "leave existing until finished" did you have difficulty with?
Man, but you are good at talking someone out of any offer they might make.


> I think we just need to "paint the front of the house".  Stick on a 
> fancy CMS to handle the front of house duties.  Keep the current wiki 
> for documentation
> Ed W