Subject: Re: [vserver] VServer Community; Was: Roadmap and Future ...
From: Ed W <>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 16:01:10 +0000

Michael S. Zick wrote:
> Here is a specific plan - how do they say it? "A limited time offer." ;)
> I am in the process of configuring and testing a TikiWiki install for three
> of my own web-sites.  The end result will be something easy (for me) to
> install three varieties of.
> I am willing to install a fourth. (Groan, did I offer that?)

It's a good plan - if hosting is an issue then yes dreamhost is a bit 
slow, but they could do the job.  I dare say they will consider free 
hosting also

However, can I suggest that there is just waaay too much content on the 
current wiki to want to start moving it?  I have a small job at the 
moment to move over 100 pages from one small site to another and it's a 
pretty massive job in reality...

I think we just need to "paint the front of the house".  Stick on a 
fancy CMS to handle the front of house duties.  Keep the current wiki 
for documentation

Ed W