Subject: Re: [vserver] guests to use dummy0 or eth0 ?
From: Declan Mullen <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 20:11:39 +1100

Hi Herbert,

Many thanks for your advise and explanations.

Given the points you have made, I think I will do the following:

- Use the one subnet for both host and guest ip addresses,
   (as I have many ip addresses available to me).

- Use the one eth0 interface for all these ip addresses,
   (so that all these ip addresses can be accessed directly from other
   systems in the network if necessary).

- Setup S/DNAT rules to redirect service traffic from host
   ip address to services running on the guests, (so that services
   can be advertised to consumers as being available on the host's ip
   address and yet making it easy to switch the guest and its version of 
   service as you previously pointed out).

- Use other iptables rules to protect the hosts and guests appropriately.

This will enable me to switch between different guests and their service 
by simply changing the S/DNAT rules (as you pointed out), but will also 
allow other systems in the network to access the individual  guests 
directly, eg for ssh administration access.

Does this seem feasible or have I misunderstood some of you previous 
points ?
