Subject: mounting partitions
From: Shams Fantar <>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 22:21:44 +0100


I've one guest server (gserver1), and the root server.

On the root server, there is a partition /backup (/dev/hda2) of 59 Gb. I
would like to mount /backup in the guest server gserver1, so, I do :

vnamespace --enter gserver1 -- mount -t ext3 /dev/hda2

I get no error and the partition is mounted. But the problem is that the
partition does the same size that the / partition. (14 Gb in my case).
/backup is not mounted with its 59 Gb, why ? are there any solution so
that /backup does 59 Gb insteaf of 14Gb ?
