Subject: vserver heartbeat
From: randall <>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 11:56:44 +0200

hi All,

here's a first one to this list from my side,
have been happily using Vserver on Debian Etch for the past year.

the reason for subscribing to this list is because i'm having some 
difficulties, why else ;)
mainly due to my lack of understanding probably and partially because 
the available documentation seems to be fairly scarce (xen seems to be 
preferred here) .

what i would like to achieve is a fail over scenario with heartbeat-2 
and drbd8 on Etch

the notes of my progress are here

the point i'm stuck is the heartbeat ocf agents, i understood from 
snippets on the web that there need to be some alterations to the 
standard available resources for DRBD and Filesystem to get it to work 
with Vserver but couldn't find a description of which ones.

does anybody have a working setup or would recommend using DRBD7? if so 
any pointers would be appreciated.

thanks anyway for reading this.
