Subject: Debian 2.6.25-vserver kernel?
From: Cedric Veilleux <>
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 14:32:36 -0400
Thu, 14 Aug 2008 14:32:36 -0400

With the recent discussions about upgrading vserver to a more recent
kernel than 2.6.22, I could not help but notice that the debian folks
seems to have already done it?

I am running Debian Lenny and it seems that they ported the 2.3
development patch of vserver to the 2.6.25 kernel.

Looking at the linux-image source package (version 2.6.25-7), the
vserver patch is named "vs2.".. Although there is no such
patch available for 2.6.25 on the website.

I could not find much more details... If someone involved with the
debian package could explain to me how they did it and if it is stable,
that would be great. 

Has anybody else tried this patch? It seems to work fine for me:

bonobo2:/etc/vservers# uname -a
Linux bonobo2 2.6.25-2-vserver-686 #1 SMP Fri Jul 18 19:56:05 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux

bonobo2:/etc/vservers# vserver-info 
                   Kernel: 2.6.25-2-vserver-686
                   VS-API: 0x00020302
             util-vserver: 0.30.215; Aug  1 2008, 01:13:33

		       CC: gcc, gcc (Debian 4.3.1-8) 4.3.1
                      CXX: g++, g++ (Debian 4.3.1-8) 4.3.1
                 CPPFLAGS: ''
                   CFLAGS: '-Wall -g  -O2 -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -W -funit-at-a-time'
                 CXXFLAGS: '-g -O2 -ansi -Wall -pedantic -W -fmessage-length=0 -funit-at-a-time'
               build/host: i486-pc-linux-gnu/i486-pc-linux-gnu
             Use dietlibc: yes
       Build C++ programs: yes
       Build C99 programs: yes
           Available APIs: v13,net,v21,v22,v23,netv2
            ext2fs Source: e2fsprogs
    syscall(2) invocation: alternative
      vserver(2) syscall#: 273/glibc
               crypto api: beecrypt

                   prefix: /usr
        sysconf-Directory: /etc
            cfg-Directory: /etc/vservers
         initrd-Directory: $(sysconfdir)/init.d
       pkgstate-Directory: /var/run/vservers
          vserver-Rootdir: /var/lib/vservers

Assumed 'SYSINFO' as no other option given; try '--help' for more information.

Thank you,

Cédric Veilleux
Solutions Internet Neopeak inc.

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