Subject: Re: [vserver] HASH FS
From: "John Alberts" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 13:15:16 -0500

Hi.  Thanks for the updated documentation.  I've read through the doc
and I'm still pretty confused on how to use it in relation to vserver.

For instance,

In the documentation, you have the following:
Make an index and blobs.
# mount -o loop,ro -t iso9660 sample.iso /mnt
$ cp -a /mnt aaa
# chown okajima:okajima /blob
$ find aaa | ./

This whole section is confusing to me.  What are we doing here and why?
What is the sample.iso in this case and why am I mounting it to /mnt?
As this applies to vservers, vservers are usually stored under
/vservers.  Would we want the entire /vservers be one hashfs
partition, or does each guest vserver under /vserver need to be a
seperate hashfs partition?


with cp -a /mnt/aaa command, what directory are we supposed to be in?
What user are we supposed to use for the chown command since obviously
my machine doesn't have a okajima account on it?  Can it just be any
regular user or should it be root?

find aaa | ./ command, I guess here we are passing each file
that we just copied to the directory called aaa to the

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 10:31 PM, Jun OKAJIMA
<> wrote:
> 2008/7/22 Jun OKAJIMA <>:
>> For ML issue, the answer is "not for now".
>> Of course, I know I have to make it before very long.
>> If you have to contact me just now,
>> using vserver ML or OpenVZ ML.
>> I subscribe them all.
>> For implementation docs, I am writing now.
>> just wait a bit.
> Done. See this.
>            --- Okajima, Jun. Tokyo, Japan.

John Alberts