Subject: Re: [vserver] [Q] util-vserver* 0.30.216-1.pre2728.el5
From: "Daniel Hokka Zakrisson" <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2008 02:00:40 +0200 (CEST)

Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> While running a "yum check-update" I noted all the util-vserver packages
> from Daniel's repository are version:
> 	0.30.216-1.pre2728.el5*
> I'm pretty sure they are ready for prime-time but we just got a vserver
> host to stop crashing, not a Linux-Vserver issue, so wanted to check if
> it is a good idea to update these packages.  I really would like to
> update over the week-end if anyone in the know is hanging around.
>     Typically I have no problems with updates from my remote location,
> 30 miles from the NOC, but I feel Mr. Murphy was thinking of me.  :-)

2728 has no significant changes from 0.30.215, just some incremental fixes (most
notably, it can build CentOS 5.2 guests). More recent pre-releases have far more
changes, and that's the reason I haven't yet pushed a newer one (where Fedora 9 guests

Daniel Hokka Zakrisson