Subject: Problem to install a guest with patched 3.18.55 kernel on Debian
From: "Sam Przyswa (Perso)" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2017 01:16:21 +0200

Hi all,

I compiled a 3.18.55 kernel patched with vs2.3.7.5 on Debian, no errors 
during compilation but when I install a guest I got this error message:

vshelper.init: can not determine xid of vserver 
'/etc/vservers/soleil-4'; returned value was ''

This usually means that you're using an init-less init-style, but the
guest isn't configured to start any service. Try enabling a service,
changing the init-style, or making the contexts persistent.

An error occured after executing the vserver startup sequence. This
means that some processes may exist in the created context and the
manual execution of

   /usr/sbin/vserver '/etc/vservers/soleil-4' stop

is recommended to fix this.
'vserver ... suexec' is supported for running vservers only; aborting...

Then the /proc directory become empty and the system tell me:

Error, do this: mount -t proc proc /proc when I try a ps command !?

There is my command too create a guest:

vserver soleil-4 build -n soleil-4 --hostname 
--interface eth0: -m debootstrap -- -d jessie

What's wrong ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Sam Przyswa.