Subject: Re: [vserver] Pros and Cons of 32/64bit guests on 64bit host
From: Stephen Liu <>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2008 15:21:44 +0800 (CST)

Hi Ed,

--- Ed W <> wrote:

- snip -

> The point of NAT though is that you can have port 53 on
> mapped 
> back to your DNS server, port 80 on mapped to a completely 
> different server doing apache, port 25 mapped to yet another server 
> doing mail, etc, etc.  So one IP can be used for multiple machines as
> long as the service is different

Could you please explain more on "IP can be used for multiple machines
as long as the service is different"?

Daemons running on VM can be taken as multiple machines.  If 25 mapped
to all of them can I run them as Mail Server simultaneously?  Thanks

Others noted and thanks.

Stephen L

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