Subject: cannot add new server by vserver build
From: tobias <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 15:19:12 +0200

Hallo together,

I have some problems adding new guest to either a Ubuntu (8.04) and a 
Debian (etch) host.

When I use the newvserver command on the etch host, there is no problem 
at all.
(For example
newvserver --vsroot /var/lib/vservers/ --hostname test1 --domain --ip --dist etch --mirror --interface eth1
works fine)

When I try adding new hosts by using vserver vserver1 build I allways 
get a massage like:
/etc/vservers/.defaults/vdirbase/vserver1: Function not implemented
It is no matter if I try out a debian guest on debian, a ubuntu guest on 
debian (like the example in the wiki) or any guest on ubuntu.

One example for my command would be:
vserver vserver1 build -m debootstrap --hostname 
--interface eth0: -- -d lenny -m

can anyone help me?