Subject: Stable release?
From:Romain Rivière <>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 09:46:27 +0100

Hi there,

About 2 years ago, people donated money in order to support
stabilization based on a 3.0.x or 3.x kernel. The latest information on
this is from November 2011:

	stabilization is going slowly, but steady and with
	good results IMHO, we already rewrote/cleaned up the
	CoW link breaking and parts of the debug system, and
	I'm currently preparing an advanced kernel build and
	test system (but more about that in a later mail :)


As far as I can tell, there has been no news since, so the official
stable Linux-Vserver release is still kernel from
march 2008 :)

How is stabilization going nowadays? Is there anything one can do to help?

Romain Rivière