Subject: fstab.remote and unmounting
From: "Roderick A. Anderson" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 08:42:23 -0800

My thanks to Daniel and Herbert for their help on the IRC (I'm raa) 
yesterday.  I now have the CIF share mounting in the context/namespace 
when the guest is started.

But when I stop the guest it is not un-mounted and when I start the 
guest back up a new mount is created.

I didn't see any mention of how to un-mount (automagically) on the Great 
Flower Page.  Nor did I see anything like 'initialize' for when the 
guest has stopped.  (A "vnamespace --enter <xid> -- umount 
/mnt/mount-point" kind of worked.)

I'll continue looking and playing but a pointer where to look would be 
