Subject: Help migrating from legacy: chbind: Segmentation fault
From: "Glomet" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 18:07:16 +0100 (CET)


After years of succesfully usage of old versions of linux-vserver upon a
few dedicate appliances, I now need to upgrade kernel because of new
hardware requirements (and, I think, migrating from legacy version to the
new one).

I have some problems: could any of you help me in fixing them?

I see at that the newest stable version is 2.2.0 against kernel, but, unfortunately, at the time of that release of the
kernel, there was a module for my ethernet card that wasn't reliable, and,
since I cannot change the ethernet card with another one, I choose to use
a newest kernel (but if you think I'm wrong with such this solution,
please advice me).

After some searches, I choose to use kernel.

I had success, about an year ago, with on a
OpenSuse 11.1 host (util-vserver: 0.30.215): I know it was just an
experimental version, but it run fine for about an year.

Unfortunately, using the same kernel / vserver / util-vserver versions on
different systems, I have problems:
Both on a Fedora Core 12 host, and on a Debian lenny host, the following
error message appear:

deb-lenny:~# vserver webctl start
/sbin/chbind: line 135:  4460 Segmentation fault      "${create_cmd[@]}"
"${chain_cmd[@]}" -- "$@"

and then:

deb-lenny:~# vserver webctl status
Vserver 'webctl' is stopped
deb-lenny:~# vserver-stat

vserver-info output follows:

deb-lenny:~# vserver-info
                   VS-API: 0x00020304
             util-vserver: 0.30.215; Mar  8 2010, 17:21:34

                       CC: gcc, gcc (Debian 4.3.2-1.1) 4.3.2
                      CXX: g++, g++ (Debian 4.3.2-1.1) 4.3.2
                 CPPFLAGS: ''
                   CFLAGS: '-g -O2 -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -W
                 CXXFLAGS: '-g -O2 -ansi -Wall -pedantic -W
-fmessage-length=0 -funit-at-a-time'
               build/host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
             Use dietlibc: yes
       Build C++ programs: yes
       Build C99 programs: yes
           Available APIs: v13,net,v21,v22,v23,netv2
            ext2fs Source: kernel
    syscall(2) invocation: alternative
      vserver(2) syscall#: 236/glibc
               crypto api: beecrypt

        sysconf-Directory: ${prefix}/etc
            cfg-Directory: ${prefix}/etc/vservers
         initrd-Directory: $(sysconfdir)/init.d
       pkgstate-Directory: ${prefix}/var/run/vservers
          vserver-Rootdir: /vservers

Assumed 'SYSINFO' as no other option given; try '--help' for more

I've tried some other kernel versions, each of them with the right vserver
patches and util-vserver branch, but, on that kind of hosts (FC12 and
Debian Lenny), I always had the same error message as above.

The guest vservers come from legacy, and they aren't updated (except for
the exit 0 added to the /etc/rc in order to avoid the "An error occured
while executing the vserver startup sequence; when there are no other
messages, it is very likely that the init-script (/etc/rc.d/rc 3) failed."
error message).
However, this solution was fine against the OpenSuse 11.1 host.

Where could I be wrong?

Thank you

-- Umberto