Subject: Re: [vserver] Linux-VServer and net namespaces
From: Grzegorz Nosek <>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 17:12:10 +0100

2009/11/26 Herbert Poetzl <>:
>> I see the recent util-vserver snapshots provide a tool called vspace
>> and some options in /etc/vservers, although they don't configure the
>> network in any meaningful way (e.g. by creating a macvlan device or a
>> pair of veths or something).
> patches are welcome I guess ....

Yeah, I suppose so. Awaiting a shipment of round tuits.

>> Please consider for the next release.
> yep, will include that .. thanks again!

Thanks a lot.

>> On a related note, is anybody trying to make Linux-VServer coexist
>> nicely with network namespaces? I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.
> not much work has been done on that part, so feel
> free to test and report any issues as well as submit
> patches for inclusion and of course, write a wiki
> page how to use them properly ...

Well, there's not much to report on right now as util-vserver simply
creates a guest without network interfaces (OK, I did get lo and
sit0). I hope I'll have some code to share but right now I have
nothing to share either.

> /proc/virtual/<xid>/info contains the initpid as
> seen from the host (for init virtualization)


>> It's required for setting up (net) namespaces.
> interesting ... how so?

Well, the only interface I know that allows moving network interfaces
between namespaces (which is an essential step to provide a guest with
connectivity) is using iproute:

ip link set dev <interface> netns <pid-of-somebody-in-the-right-namespace>

As iproute isn't exactly well known for heavy layers of abstraction, I
assume this is the interface exposed by the kernel too. Or does
Linux-VServer provide something else?

BTW, Do you foresee any problems with a setup comprising a network
namespace per guest and multiple network contexts inside? As in all
users of a guest share their (virtualised) view of network interfaces,
but still they are limited to different subsets of IP addresses. I'd
really love it.

Best regards,
 Grzegorz Nosek