Subject: problem accessing NetApp Filer snapshot
From: Dallas Kashuba <>
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 18:11:27 -0700

We have several vserver guests NFS mounting volumes being served from  
Network Appliance filers.  The NFS mounting works as expected, other  
than access to the snapshots provided by the NetApp filesystem.

Under normal circumstances (non-vserver), you access the snapshot  
from anywhere along the filesystem by simply doing 'cd .snapshot'.   
Within there you will see a directory for each snapshot named  
something like hourly.0, nightly.0, or weekly.1 (etc), which contain  
copies of the files from those points in time.  They work like any  
other directory aside from being read-only and being hidden from 'ls'  
output.  Any user can access the snapshots for any part of the  
filesystem that user ordinarily has access to.  No root access is  

Inside the vserver guests it does not work as expected, though.   
Attempting to 'cd .snapshot' never works at all unless BINARY_MOUNT  
is added to ccapabilities.  This seems odd to me as there is no  
mounting taking place from what I understand, but the kernel seems to  
think there is.  With BINARY_MOUNT added, the root user is then able  
to access .snapshot in all cases.  non-root users cannot, though.  A  
non-root user CAN access a .snapshot portion of the filesystem after  
the root user has accessed it once previously, though.  Here's an  

vserver03:/etc/vservers/patrick# vserver patrick enter
patrick:/# su - testuser
[patrick]$ whoami
[patrick]$ cd .snapshot
-su: cd: .snapshot: Operation not permitted
# (Note the "Operation not permitted" error)

[patrick]$ logout
# (back to root now)

patrick:/# cd /home/testuser/.snapshot
patrick:/# su - testuser
[patrick]$ cd .snapshot
# (after accessing it once as root, it's now accessible as the non- 
root user)

[patrick]$ ls
hourly.0  hourly.1  nightly.0  nightly.1  weekly.0  weekly.1
[patrick]$ ls hourly.0
ls: hourly.0: Operation not permitted
# (access one more level down the filesystem is still not permitted)

[patrick]$ logout
patrick:/# cd /home/testuser/.snapshot/
patrick:/home/testuser/.snapshot# ls -l
total 32
drwxr-x--x  7 testuser users 4096 Jul  3 10:53 hourly.0
drwxr-x--x  7 testuser users 4096 Jul  3 10:53 hourly.1
drwxr-x--x  7 testuser users 4096 Jul  3 10:53 nightly.0
drwxr-x--x  7 testuser users 4096 Jul  3 10:53 nightly.1
drwxr-x--x  7 testuser users 4096 Jul  3 10:53 weekly.0
drwxr-x--x  7 testuser users 4096 Jul  3 10:53 weekly.1

# (doing an ls -la as root accesses every directory below)

patrick:/home/testuser/.snapshot# su - testuser
[patrick]$ cd .snapshot/hourly.0
[patrick]$ ls
Maildir  logs  svn  svntest
[patrick]$ cd ../weekly.1
[patrick]$ ls
Maildir  logs  svn  svntest
[patrick]$ logout

After the root user ran 'ls -la' inside .snapshot, the non-root user  
could then access all of the hourly.0, weekly.1 etc snapshot  
directories below.

Does anyone have any clues about how to fix this?  Ideally  
BINARY_MOUNT would not be needed at all, but it's ok as long as it  
works normally for non-root users.

Any ideas are appreciated!
