Subject: Re: [vserver] CentOS 7
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2019 23:04:35 +0100


keep your webpage updated with this information,
is also part of a projekt leader if paid or not.

don't waste peoples time, with ansers like

"Well, if you like systemd and don't mind the reduced
isolation and slighly higher overhead, you are probably
fine with LXC"

/if this is the reasonable replacement


"Note that if there is real interest in getting systemd
working under Linux-VServer (for whatever reason) then
I'm willing to investigate this, but it's no fun to
debug stuff with systemd so it has to be worthwhile."

//if this is only a question of money and not real interest, there is no 
interest if you having fun on it if paid

Thank's make good work for years, update webpage bye


Am 2019-01-21 21:50, schrieb Herbert Poetzl:
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 01:15:07PM +0100,
> wrote:
>> Hello Herbert
> Roman,
>> Am 2019-01-21 09:56, schrieb Herbert Poetzl:
>>> On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 07:59:13PM +0100,
>>> wrote:
>>>> Laurent,
>>>> At first thanks for infos, :-)
>>> Hello Roman,
>>>> I have look on it for 60min, in this time i have a running
>>>> vserver on CentOs7 with LXD, troubles to config to run on a own
>>>> interface, but this could be fixed spending more time, the main
>>>> trouble a have with the differt uid's, and thats comming from
>>>> Ubuntu => so Lts 3 years not part of Centos if this is a good
>>>> choice, but which options are left.
>>>> Nice page good infos, doku, well done, but vserver is now
>>>> running on my servers since Rh9, why did't they get it run,
>>>> no Enterpise Disto no Debian no ... works anymore what are
>>>> the patch for???
>>> Not sure what you are asking here (or complaining about?)
>>> Who is 'they' and 'what should they have gotten running'?
>> 'they' =>
>> gotten running => Debian, Redhat, Suse.. that disros are most
>> in use, could be a good restart again.
> Well, the list is actually down to Daniel and me where
> I take care of the kernel side and Daniel covers userspace.
> Note that we do this in our spare time and not because we
> get paid by a big company to work on this stuff.
>>>> And by the way is it not awful LXD posts on this list?,
>>> Why would it be 'awful' when 'mainline' features get mentioned?
>> 'mainline' feature ??? yes realy I did't, see this like that
> We tried to get Linux-VServer into mainline and we would
> probably have spent quite some time to upstream it but
> mainly for political reasons, the Linux kernel maintainers
> decided that they want to do 'their own' implementation of
> system level isolation labeled 'cgroups' which over the
> years reached a level that they can actually be used.
>>>> from so much users, and I'm frustrated to get not direkt answer
>>>> like yes working on it, no never, fuck off, anything i could
>>>> work with, planning future with or without.
>>> I already replied that nobody bothered to mess with systemd
>>> for several reasons and that I consider it doable but not
>>> worth the time unless there is clear interest.
>> yes.....i read this and that years ago...
>> clear than now ?
>> it will never be anymore, where should it come from?,
> Well, if a company using Linux-VServer or a group of
> individuals steps up and collects some money or provides
> patches to polish Linux-VServer and make it work with
> systemd or whatever is cool at the moment, then I'm willing
> to do the work and probably so is Daniel.
>> there was more positv feedback years ago
>> no support for big Distros => less user of vserver =>
>>    => smaller feedback => closed Project
> When I took over the project 2001 it was in a very early
> stage with lots of issues and missing features so we made
> it work and made sure that it is suitable for a professional
> environment. Once we reached a state where the feature set
> was reasonably complete and the isolation considered secure
> we switched into maintenance mode, which is where we are
> today.
>> thats realy the way you what to go? ,
>> soory i can't believe :-(
> Once LXC (or LXD or LXE? :) is a reasonable replacement
> for Linux-VServer there is no good reason to artificially
> keep this project alive.
> Best,
> Herbert
>> BGR
>>>> Did't really anyone use those Distros without systemd, for
>>>> what if ??
>>> No idea what that means ...
>>> Best,
>>> Herbert
>>>> BRG Roman
>>>> Am 2019-01-20 15:33, schrieb Laurent Spagnol:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Le 20/01/2019 à 09:50, Alber Lvs a écrit :
>>>>>> On 17-01-19 09:05, Alber Lvs wrote:
>>>>>>> LXD is being packaged for Debian, while the older LXC is packaged
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> Debian.
>>>>>>> I must say I much prefer LXD over LXC.
>>>>>>> With Ubuntu as LXD (or LXC) host you will likely have a much 
>>>>>>> easier
>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>> installing and maintaining time than having LXC or maybe in the
>>>>>>> future
>>>>>>> LXD on Debian.
>>>>>> Quite some negative voices about LXC on this mailing list.
>>>>>> When I tried LXC years ago it was a sad state of affairs indeed. 
>>>>>> But
>>>>>> Debian Linux was going to drop kernel support for Linux Vserver, 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> they hinted in the Debian wiki that LXC would be the future, so I
>>>>>> hopes
>>>>>> for LXC progress.
>>>>>> Every now and then I looked at LXC and it was only making slow
>>>>>> progress,
>>>>>> and the command line tools were very cumbersome to use.
>>>>>> However, LXD is very different. Easy to set up in Ubuntu.
>>>>>> It has nice command line name completion.
>>>>>> For example, type in : sudo lxc exec t.. <tab> and it will 
>>>>>> complete
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> sudo lxc exec test-server (Where test-server is the name of your
>>>>>> container).
>>>>>> By default LXD creates containers which have a different root
>>>>>> UIG/GID
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the containers for security reasons. That can cause some confusion
>>>>>> when
>>>>>> you are copying files as root from the host to a container
>>>>>> directory,
>>>>>> but once you understand how to fix those permissions it is fine.
>>>>>> With LXD you can even run Docker inside a container!
>>>>> With LXC too, and you can run LXC containers inside LXC container 
>>>>> =>
>>>>> "nested" containers.
>>>>> There is no diffence beetween LXC and LXD in terms of
>>>>> functionalities.
>>>>> It's just the same thing !!
>>>>> LXC is based on a flat configuration file, it's very simple to use,
>>>>> especially on a single host.
>>>>> LXD is "cluster" oriented, based on a deamon, and containers's
>>>>> configuruations are in a database (SQLite if i rememmber).
>>>>> LXD is the default on Ubuntu Server. It's a good choice fot 
>>>>> beginers.
>>>>> But I prefers "old school flat files", so i remove LXD and use "old
>>>>> style" LXC. It is more simple with complex configurations !
>>>>> I was a fan of Linux-Vserver, i have wroted some scripts to play 
>>>>> with
>>>>> VLANs, conditional routing and netfilter (this was a long time ago,
>>>>> before "veth" ...) but finally i choose LXC when it was good enough
>>>>> for "production". I use it for years (mostly over ZFS), it works 
>>>>> like
>>>>> a charms.
>>>>> LS
>>>>> --
>>>>> Laurent Spagnol
>>>>> Administrateur GNU/Linux
>>>>> Responsable du pôle système
>>>>> Service réseau et télécom
>>>>> Direction du Numérique
>>>>> Université de Reims
>>>>> Campus du Moulin de la Housse
>>>>> Bâtiment 3
>>>>> BP 1039 - 51687 Reims cedex 2
>>>>> Plan d'accès :
>>>>> Tel: +33 3 26 91 88 32
>>>>> Fax: +33 3 26 91 31 87