Subject: Vserver 2.2 patch for 2.6.25.x or newer?
From: Robert Davidson <>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 10:54:56 +1100

Hi all,

We've got a problem with one of our servers thats running a custom build
of kernel

I'd like to know if anyone has a patch available for 2.6.25.x or later,
as there have been at least 3 deadlocks found in the ext3 code since and we are having problems with moderately loaded ext3
filesystems (even newly formatted ones after a month or so).

So I'd like to try a newer kernel, but I'm stuck because we need the
linux-vserver patch.  Either that or I have to move everything to xfs.

Robert Davidson.
Obsidian Consulting Group.
Ph. 03-9355-7844